Wondering how to copy image from a internet source and paste to Excel using the VBA.There are many examples on the internet if you google "copy image from web vba". However, those are too complicate as I just want to copy from a particular website and particular one image.That's it. No more other things.
So I keep searching on the internet to find a proper method.
One of the method is using "URLDownloadToFile API", it is too complicate for me as I am just a beginner of VBA.....
Then I find a good example from stactoverflow. By using AddPicture(x,x,x,x,) method, it is very easy to copy a image to Excel!
However, you must know the URL of the image first...
Luckily, I know the basic DOM knowlege through my studies on Javascript.
How to know the URL of the source of the particular image:
Take my blog as example.
Want to copy the below image on this website.
1. Go to using IE
2. Check the above element by left click, then "check element". Then we got this.
3.Ha, that is a little complicated... I need to find div elements and then find <img> tag.
So, using getElementById("Profile1").getElementsByTagName("img").
Finally, [elemnet].src, will give us the URL!
Using AddPicture(x,x,x,x,) method
Once we go the URL, everything will be very easy. Just using the AddPicture method.
The Code:
Sub findURL2()
Dim src As String
Dim IE As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
' Don't wnat to see IE when the code is running
IE.Visible = False
' Set IE to go to the target webpage
IE.Navigate ""
' Need to wait the IE for loading
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)
'Find the target element
Set objCollection = IE.document.getElementById("Profile1").getElementsByTagName("img")
'Get the URL
src = objCollection(0).src
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Call ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(src, msoFalse, msoTrue, R.Left, R.Top, -1, -1)
Set IE = Nothing
End Sub
Good. Can get the result as expect.
Sometimes, it got Error 91 and Error 424.Error 424>>> Seems IE can't find the element and will throw this error.
Error 91>>>still don't know why......
good example[1]